What to Expect During Periodontal Surgery


Most individuals will develop gum disease at some point in their lifetime. Mild forms, such as gingivitis, can usually be treated with medicated mouthwashes, a deep cleaning, and proper at-home oral hygiene. If you suffer from severe gum disease, your dentist may recommend undergoing periodontal surgery. Periodontal surgery can treat extensive gum disease and repair any damage caused by the condition. The main objectives of this type of surgery are to prevent tooth loss, reshape the gums, and remove infected tissues to restore optimal oral health.

Periodontal Surgery Techniques

Depending on your unique condition, your periodontist may utilize one of the following techniques for your periodontal surgery:  

  • Bone grafting is necessary when the bone around the base of the teeth is damaged or decayed.

  • Gum grafting addresses gum recession and helps minimize further damage to the affected area.

  • Guided tissue regeneration involves surgically placing a specialized dental mesh that aids with the growth of new tissue in areas that have been compromised by trauma or decay.

The Procedure

Periodontal surgeries can be lengthy, sometimes requiring 2 to 3 hours. This can leave patients in discomfort during the procedure and exhausted. Patients can have a more comfortable experience if using dental sedation. Dr. Jay Patel is a board-certified dentist anesthesiologist who provides dental sedation services in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Once the patient is fully or partially asleep, the procedure can begin.

To find out if dental sedation is right for your periodontal procedure, call Dental Sedation Services at 732.986.3690.

Melissa Alam