What Is Mobile Office-Based Anesthesia For Dentistry?


Sometimes the idea of a lengthy or extensive dental procedure will seem overwhelming and uncomfortable. Many people become nervous at the thought of going to the dentist for one reason or another, but sometimes the anxiety can be crippling and counterproductive to dental care. Maintaining proper oral health is important, so avoiding the dentist out of fear increases a person’s risk of developing more concerning or painful dental conditions. Sedation dentistry allows patients to have a much more positive experience at the dentist and avoid high levels of distress or discomfort.

Who Can Benefit From Dental Sedation?

Dr. Jay Patel offers high quality, advanced dental anesthesia services to general dentists and dental specialists in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. He hopes his services can put people at ease before they undergo dental procedures so that they receive the care they need without feeling afraid. Some patients who can benefit from dental sedation include:

  • Young children

  • Individuals with special needs

  • Those who suffer from severe dental phobia and anxiety

  • Men and women with a sensitive gag reflex

How to Prepare for Dental Sedation

Dr. Patel is a board-certified dental anesthesiologist who has helped thousands have calmer and more pleasant visits to their dentists. Safety is the number one priority for any dental procedure using sedation, so educating patients on how to prepare for their appointment helps ensure that their procedure is successful. The preparation instructions may vary depending on the type of anesthesia selected for your unique case, but in general, patients should do the following before they undergo dental sedation:

  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of your scheduled procedure

  • Refrain from taking any medication, unless suggested by your physician

  • Be sure to wear a comfortable outfit that does not constrict the body

  • Wear prescription glasses rather than contacts

  • Inform your dentist if you are exhibiting flu-like symptoms

To find out if you are a good candidate for dental sedation, call Dental Sedation Services at 732.986.3690.

Melissa Alam