How Can Dental Sedation Help Me?

Many people get nervous when they go to the dentist. It could be the faint memory of a bad experience as children; or, it could be the anticipation of the dental procedure.  Whatever the reason for your dental anxiety, it is real and sometimes we need a little help overcoming it.  Sedation dentistry can help you remain calm during your dental visit.  Sedation dentistry offers various forms of medication to help you relax during your dentist visit.    

Levels of Sedation

To help you determine which level of sedation dentistry is right for you, listed below are various forms: 

Minimal Sedation– you are awake and aware but relaxed.

Moderate Sedation– you are conscious and may slur your words while speaking. You may or may not remember much of the procedure.

Deep Sedation– you are right on the edge of unconsciousness but can still be awakened.

General Anesthesia– you are completely unconscious.

Types of Sedation

Listed below are the following types of sedation, which are used in dental sedation. The dentist and anesthesiologist will determine which type of sedation is right for you.

Inhaled minimal sedation. You would breathe in a mixture of nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) and oxygen through a mask that is placed over your nose. This gas helps you relax and can be controlled by your dentist.  You can communicate with your dentist as needed.

Oral sedation.  Taken by mouth, in oral form, provides minimal to moderate sedation.

This is the most common form of sedation dentistry.  The pill is taken 1 hour prior to the procedure.  This drug is similar to a Valium type drug; it will make you drowsy, but you will still be awake.  A larger dose can be prescribed for a deeper level of sedation. 

Moderate sedation. Administered intravenously, the anesthesiologist controls the level of sedation needed.  This method of sedation works very quickly.  

Deep sedation and general anesthesia. With this method of sedation, medication administered through an IV will put you into a deep sleep during the procedure.

Sedation dentistry works best for those with anxiety or fear that actually prohibits them from going to the dentist.  Sedation dentistry may, however, also be suitable for those with:

-a low pain threshold

-a gag reflex

-can’t sit still in the dental chair

-have sensitive teeth

-need a large amount of dental work done

We will discuss your concerns and needs and determine the best solution for you or your loved one.  We want you to be comfortable and have the best dental experience possible. 

We care about our patients and are sensitive to their needs.  We will work with you to help you achieve pain-free dental care.

Ami Patel