5 Facts About Dental Sedation


For some patients, the idea of visiting the dentist is so upsetting that they refuse to seek treatment for their dental concerns. Needless to say, avoiding the dentist can have damaging effects on a person’s oral health. With dental sedation, patients can obtain the dental care that they require without feeling anxious or uncomfortable. Board-certified dentist anesthesiologist, Dr. Jay Patel understands the importance of dental care and is dedicated to giving patients a positive dental experience. For patients who are interested in anxiety relief during their next dental appointment, below are five facts about dental sedation you should know.

Many Patients Qualify

Office-based anesthesia is a safe option for most patients who wish to have a stress-free experience at the dentist. Ideal candidates for sedation dentistry include adult, pediatric, and special needs patients who suffer from:

  • Dental phobias or anxiety

  • Excessive gagging

  • Difficulty sitting still

    It Has Been Around for Centuries

Dental phobias have existed since the beginning of dentistry. Dental anesthesia dates back as far as 2250 B.C. and has significantly advanced over time. Dental sedation techniques continue to improve as medical technology advances, helping to alleviate the anxiety patients experience at the dentist.

You Won’t Remember a Thing

Most patients who opt for dental sedation services have no recollection of their procedure. This is good news for those with dental anxiety who prefer not to remember the details of their dental appointment.

It Can Be Used for Longer Procedures

One of the greatest benefits of IV sedation is that it makes it easier for patients to endure more complicated procedures in one appointment. Not only can patients get the care that they need, but they can also make the most of their visit instead of scheduling several sessions for multiple treatments.

It Is Customizable to Your Needs

Some patients may benefit from mild sedation, but some may require a stronger sedative for their appointment. The type of sedation technique used for your treatment depends on several factors, including the complexity of your procedure and your overall health. Sedation options are available from a mild sedative to general anesthesia to ensure you receive the individualized care that you need.

For more information, call Dental Sedation Services at 732.986.3690.

Melissa Alam